James Fama
Jim Fama is a consultant specializing in cyber and physical security, business continuity, resilience, reliability, and related FERC, NERC, federal agency, and state commission matters.
Formerly Mr. Fama served as Vice President, Energy Delivery for the Edison Electric Institute (EEI). There he was responsible for supporting EEI and its members on operational, reliability, security, and business continuity issues, as well as FERC, NERC, NARUC, and RTO matters. During his 14-year tenure with EEI, Mr. Fama helped to create key industry resilience programs, including Cyber Mutual Assistance, the Spare Transformer Equipment Program, and the National Response Event restoration program.
Prior to joining EEI, Mr. Fama was Senior Counsel with the Washington, D.C. office of LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene and MacRae. During his three-year tenure with LeBoeuf, he represented various energy companies in mergers, contracts, and other matters before FERC and the Florida Public Service Commission.
For two years, Mr. Fama was Vice President and General Counsel for ECWerks, Inc., a Tampa, Florida IT company specializing in electronic commerce and software development, which is now part of CGI Group, the largest IT company in Canada.
Mr. Fama also has served as Deputy General Counsel for Florida Power Corporation (now Duke Florida) in St. Petersburg, Florida, where he was the officer in charge of Florida Power’s legal department. He was with Florida Power for eight years.
Prior to joining Florida Power, Mr. Fama was Assistant General Counsel for the Bonneville Power Administration in Portland, Oregon, responsible for
FERC matters and rate litigation. He was with Bonneville for seven years.
Mr. Fama began his career as an attorney in FERC’s Office of General Counsel.