Fred Hintermister
Fred Hintermister is a Resilience and Innovation Advisor for several organizations, including TrustCentral and Secure Smart Cities. His experience includes significant work in commercial insurance new cybersecurity product development and public-private partnership development activity.
Fred is a former Vice President of Energy Protection at Global Resilience Federation, a non-profit hub for support, analysis, and multi-industry intelligence exchange between ISACs and ISAOs, which facilitate cyber and physical intelligence sharing for specific sectors. In that role, he was responsible for working closely with utility corporate members and vendor partners of the Energy Analytic Security Exchange (EASE) to help protect members and the energy sector as a whole against cyber and physical threats and vulnerabilities. EASE is a private sector non-profit organization that brings together energy companies to collect, analyze and share cyber and physical threat intelligence for mutual defense.
Previously, Mr. Hintermister worked at the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) where he served as the cross-sector manager handling electricity subsector critical infrastructure protection (CIP) and resilience with responsibilities for innovation, collaboration, and industry and government liaison. During that time, he recently served as vice chair of the National Council of ISACs and led a working group for the Information Sharing and Analysis Organization Standards Organization.
Mr. Hintermister previously spearheaded cross-sector strategy for NERC’s Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center (E-ISAC), advised on the creation of both the European Energy Information Sharing and Analysis Center (EE-ISAC) and Japan Electricity ISAC, and improved alignment with public sector frameworks in the US, Canada and Mexico. Prior to his time working in information sharing, Fred was a commander in the U.S. Navy and held a variety of technology, risk, innovation and business development roles in industry. Experiences include supporting programs focused on emerging CIP policy, technical assessment, emergency response, energy security, and risk assessment.